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Training center

NACUFOK Training Center was built in Daejon Metropolitan City in July 1981 with members’ contribution and the financial grant of MISEREO Foundation in Germany. Credit unionists who completed each education courses have radically contributed to the Korea Credit Union Movement. Without a doubt, consistent education and high quality of curriculums will continue to accelerate the “bottom-up” promotion.

Main goals of the Training Center are as follows:

  • To nurture credit union volunteers who are fully committed to the cooperative philosophy
  • To educate employees for enhancing specific professional management skills
  • To broaden members’ understanding about the concept and spirit of a credit union
  • To introduce non-members or potential members to a credit union

The NACUFOK Training Center covers a wide range of programs to satisfy various demands of member credit unions. So far more than 100 thousand employees and 390 thousand members, have participated in their respective educational programs to accomplish their own goals since its establishment in 1981.

The Credit Union College Course and the MBA course, which is a two year diploma program course, in the Training Center, develops the senior management ability of credit unions. It covers 29 subjects and has had more than 1,557 graduates. The Credit Union College Course and the MBA course plays an important role in upgrading services to members. For the employees, NACUFOK organizes professional courses such as financial planning, fund investment, IT technologies, and so on.

Educational & Training Programs

  • Executives: President(Leadership-Organization Management), Directors, Auditors, New Executives
  • Credit Union College MBA Program
  • Employee Training
    • Job Training : manager training, executive qualification course, investment management, bond management, loan screening, business management analysis, basic loan course, payment & settlement, training for rookies
    • Performance/Function Development : leadership program, BSC performance management (MBO), coaching leadership, manpower development course
    • Cyber Training : accounting, loan, deposit, general administration, tax, CS, legal cases relating to credit business, security evaluation and case analysis, anti money laundering, sexual harassment prevention in the workplace
    • Other Training : credit union member training, cooperation with Hanbat National University